Privacy policy
This privacy policy sets out how Hummersknott Allotments Association Limited (the Association) will treat your personal data in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR). For detailed information about the UK GDPR see the ICO website at
For the purposes of Data Protection Hummersknott Allotments Association Limited is the Data Controller for your information.
Hummersknott Allotments Association Limited is a non-profit organisation and, as we process only information relevant to managing the allotment site, there is no requirement for us to register with the Information Commissioner’s Office.
To contact the Association about any points mentioned in this privacy statement please contact the Secretary by either email at or in writing to the address displayed on the notice board at the Edinburgh Drive (lower) end of the allotments.
What is our legal basis for holding your personal data?
The lawful basis under the UK GDPR which we rely on to process your personal data is known as ‘legitimate interests’. Legitimate interests apply since, as an allotment organisation, we process personal data in order to manage our site and tenancies.
We do not collect special category or sensitive data as specified by the UK GDPR. Therefore, we are not obliged to seek consent to hold data from our members or applicants for allotment plots.
Why do we hold personal data?
We hold personal data for the purposes of managing the allotment site. This includes for example, communication between committee members and other members as part of the daily running of the Association, administration of rents, general meetings, site maintenance.
What data do we hold?
The Association holds the following data about each member:
• Name
• Postal address
• Contact details: landline phone number and/or mobile phone number and/or email address
• Association related site details
All personal data is physically and electronically securely stored.
What your data will NOT be used for
Your personal data will not be passed on to any third party without your prior permission.
Who can access your data?
Only those who need access to the data can gain access. The Treasurer and Secretary have access to all the member data.
How long will we hold your data?
We only keep data for as long as we reasonably need it. We will retain a member’s personal data for as long as they are a member and then for a period of 18 months after leaving unless the member asks us to deleted it immediately. Data is retained in the event we need to communicate with a member who has left.
The Association will delete as much data as they can but will retain anything that may have a legal implication.
Applicants who withdraw from our waiting list will have their data immediately deleted.
Non-essential data and time expired information will be routinely deleted and destroyed.
Accuracy of data we hold
Each member is entitled to:
• see their own personal data held
• correct data that is incomplete or inaccurate
If required we will check with the member before updating anything.
Objecting to the data we hold
A member has the right to object to the personal data we hold but please note that the Association has the right to hold data to run the allotments (such as for the administration of rents) and where the data may be contended at a later date (such as when there has been a disagreement between the Association and the member).
Data security
We have in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal information from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed.
Members’ information is held securely in an electronic database. Appropriate tools such as firewalls are in place and antivirus software is kept up to date.
Information held on paper (hard copies) is kept safely and to a minimum with access limited to those who need to use it.
Email communication
All the Associations email communication to the secretary should be to the email account and not to their personal email account.
The Secretary is responsible for mass emails across the membership and uses the email account which has a strong password. This account contains members’ email data. Mass emails to the membership are sent blind (bcc) so that addresses are not exposed.
Data breaches
Any data breach will be dealt with by the committee. In the event of a data breach, we will work to fix the issue immediately, take all measures to prevent it occurring again, report the incident to the committee and to anyone affected by it.
Who is responsible for the implementation of this policy?
The committee members are responsible for ensuring this policy is adhered to.
Complaints in the first instance, should be made to the Association’s secretary. Members also have the right to contact the Commissioner’s Office at:
Commissioner’s Office. Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Web site information
The Associations website is an informative site for allotment care and the recruitment of potential plot holders. Cookies are employed and used to help deliver services and improve the website user experience. Information will not be passed on to third parties for marketing purposes.
Our website contains links to other websites. We are not responsible for the content on them nor their privacy policy so please take the time to check it.